
Reiterating "Billion-dollar Cancer New Drug Fund" - Lai Ching-de: uniting strength to fight cancerApr 11, 2024

The average life expectancy of Taiwanese people exceeds 80 years, but the unhealthy years also exceed 8 years. Vice President Lai Ching-de stated yesterday that 10% of the average lifespan of Taiwanese people is spent in an unhealthy state. He hopes that in the future, if he assumes the presidency, he can contribute to the health of the Taiwanese people. During his campaign, he specifically proposed the "Billion-dollar Cancer New Drug Fund" and also hoped to harness everyone's strength to combat cancer, prolong the lives of Taiwanese people, and provide proper treatment for cancer patients. 

Accompanied by Feng Shih-kuan, Chairman of the Veterans Affairs Council, Lai Ching-de visited the "Taipei Veterans General Hospital Proton and Heavy Ion Cancer Treatment Center" today, watched a video on the construction process, listened to a briefing by the center's director Liu Yu-ming on the treatment methods for proton and heavy ion cancer, and, accompanied by Taipei Veterans General Hospital President Chen Wei-ming, toured the treatment room, control room, and accelerator room. 

Lai Ching-de pointed out that in the past, the establishment of the Veterans General Hospital was to care for veterans, but over the past few decades, with everyone's wholehearted dedication, it has become the guardian of the health of all Taiwanese people. "Everyone's efforts are visible in society." Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Veterans General Hospital stood at the forefront of patient care and accepted critically ill patients at the most critical moments. He expressed his gratitude to all the staff at the Veterans General Hospital. 

He affirmed that the Veterans General Hospital is a shining example for Taiwan and takes pride in it. He said, "Prevention and control of epidemics are like warfare." When the epidemic strikes, the warriors who safeguard the health of the people are the medical staff. Therefore, all the staff at the Veterans General Hospital deserve to wear a medal on their shoulders. 

As a member of the medical community and a political figure, he has actively pursued the health and well-being of the people in the Legislative Yuan and in administrative units in the past. He also hopes that in the future, if he assumes the presidency, he can contribute to the health of the Taiwanese people. 

Lai Ching-de stated that the average life expectancy of Taiwanese people has already exceeded 80 years, but the unhealthy years also exceed 8 years. In other words, 10% of the average lifespan of Taiwanese people is spent in an unhealthy state, possibly bedridden, wheelchair-bound, or requiring care. He hopes that in the future, the Veterans General Hospital can also join the ranks of "Healthy Taiwan," allowing Taiwanese people to be healthier and live longer. 

Since the 1970s, cancer has been the leading cause of death in Taiwan. During his campaign, he specifically proposed the "Billion-dollar Cancer New Drug Fund," hoping to harness everyone's strength to combat cancer, prolong the lives of Taiwanese people, and provide proper treatment for cancer patients. Among them, proton and heavy ion cancer treatment are the latest methods, and he hopes everyone can contribute further to the health of the public. 

Resource (Mandarin): 

重申「百億癌症新藥基金」 賴清德:集合力量打擊癌症