
A Multi-line Holder with Built-in Angle Alignment Features

Intensive care units frequently employ various invasive catheter monitoring devices for medical diagnosis and treatment. These devices play a crucial role in monitoring essential physiological parameters in patients. Accurate calibration is essential to prevent measurement errors and ensure precise medical decisions. When multiple catheters are used simultaneously, nurses often need to manually adjust the holders, which can lead to potential occupational injury. The absence of standardized calibration tools necessitates visual estimation or the use of bedside IV lines, which raises concerns about the accuracy of the data.
A novel device has been developed to address these challenges. It incorporates an adjustable holder frame, a laser light source calibration system, and an electrically operated track. The adjustable frame can accommodate catheters of various specifications, while the laser light source precisely aligns the pressure transducer's venting port with the zero reference point on the patient's body. The electrically operated track enables smooth vertical movement during calibration. This device offers convenience, exceptional precision, and alleviates the manual burden on nurses. It significantly improves measurement accuracy and holds considerable potential for widespread clinical implementation.
Features / strengths
1.an adjustable holder frame
2. a laser light source calibration system
3.an electrically operated track
Specification in detail
A Multi-line Holder with Built-in Angle Alignment Features
A Multi-line Holder with Built-in Angle Alignment Features
an electrically operated track
an electrically operated track

Intensive care units frequently employ various invasive catheter monitoring devices for medical diagnosis and treatment. These devices play a crucial role in monitoring essential physiological parameters in patients. Accurate calibration is essential to prevent measurement errors and ensure precise medical decisions. When multiple catheters are used simultaneously, nurses often need to manually adjust the holders, which can lead to potential occupational injury. The absence of standardized calibration tools necessitates visual estimation or the use of bedside IV lines, which raises concerns about the accuracy of the data.
A novel device has been developed to address these challenges. It incorporates an adjustable holder frame, a laser light source calibration system, and an electrically operated track. The adjustable frame can accommodate catheters of various specifications, while the laser light source precisely aligns the pressure transducer's venting port with the zero reference point on the patient's body. The electrically operated track enables smooth vertical movement during calibration. This device offers convenience, exceptional precision, and alleviates the manual burden on nurses. It significantly improves measurement accuracy and holds considerable potential for widespread clinical implementation.
Features / strengths
1.an adjustable holder frame
2. a laser light source calibration system
3.an electrically operated track
Specification in detail
A Multi-line Holder with Built-in Angle Alignment Features
A Multi-line Holder with Built-in Angle Alignment Features
an electrically operated track
an electrically operated track

A Multi-line Holder with Built-in Angle Alignment Features

Chi Mei Medical Center Other products