Changhua Christian Hospital
Healthcare+ Expo- booth no.: I516
Year established: 2023

Changhua Christian Hospital (CCH) was founded in 1896; for over a century, CCH has been inspired by the love and saving grace of Jesus Christ. CCH is central Taiwan's most historical medical center, with over 4,000 ward beds and 8,500 employees in 9 healthcare systems. CCH built the first intelligent and green hospital in Taiwan to uplift workflow efficiency and an integrated healthcare system to deliver advanced but safe health services. CCH is constructing the 「Proton Therapy Center」 and anticipates providing the best service for cancer patients in the center of Taiwan.

In the face of sweeping changes in medical information technology and artificial intelligence (AI) evolution, CCH is committed to being a smart and green hospital with "excellent, innovative, and practice." CCH has been validated by HMISS Level-7, through advanced technologies, such as big data, AI, and IoT, to introduce the clinical decision support system (CDSS) and personalized precision medicine to provide safe and high-quality services for patients. With the vision of "Future Hospital," CCH integrated intelligent, green, and clean into the hospital operation to facilitate the ESG management strategy and promote environmental protection, hospital governance, and corporate social responsibility to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) of global medical societies.
Medical Devices
Smart Hospital & IT Solutions