HJ DigiHealth Co, Ltd.
Healthcare+ Expo- booth no.: I1131
Year established: 2021
 | Registered capital TWD 7M
 | Employees 6

HJ DigiHealth is committed to development, design, and manufacturing of medical equipment, and uses AIOT and cloud technology to completely analyze data to achieve the goals of resource sharing, case management, and precise health promotion. Our medical products include:
1. HJ EECP device collects the patient's ECG signal, conducts instant R-wave detection, and uses the R-wave trigger to control the inflation and deflation of the air bag. Inflation is a three-level sequential pressurization from the patient's calves, thighs to buttocks and upper arms, so that the blood of the upper and lower limbs can be driven back to the upper body during diastole and returned to the heart through the veins, thus promoting the function of the heart, brain and other organs. blood circulation to improve blood supply to ischemic tissues.
2. HIFEM device: uses high-intensity electromagnetic fields to stimulate motor neurons and cause muscles to contract more than 20,000 times to achieve the purpose of strengthening muscles. This non-invasive body sculpting treatment and can quickly achieve body beautification.
Medical Devices