ACRO Biomedical Co., Ltd.
Healthcare+ Expo- booth no.: L202
Year established: 2014
 | Registered capital TWD 504.33M
 | Employees 36

ACRO Biomedical was founded in June 2014 and positioned to develop and produce biomaterial medical devices for human tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (TERM). ACRO Biomedical uses its proprietary supercritical CO₂ extraction technology to remove cells, fat, and non-collagenous proteins from animal tissues and organs, while leaving the intact collagen scaffolds as the biomaterial for high-end medical devices in the field of wound care, orthopedics, dentistry, ophthalmology, aesthetic microsurgery, cardiovascular, and neural surgery, etc. 
Besides from the development of natural biomaterial scaffolds for tissue engineering, ACRO Biomedical has advanced in combining these tissue scaffolds with stem cells and/or somatic cells for human cell therapy in the field of skin regeneration and knee joint cartilage regeneration. 
The ultimate goal for ACRO Biomedical is whole organ engineering for heart, liver, and kidney transplantation. We wish to recellularize the organ scaffold in vivo for autologous organ transplantation by grafting the decellularized natural organ scaffolds back into the live animal or human body.

Medical Devices
Cosmetics & Health Supplements