StemCyte Taiwan Co., Ltd.
Healthcare+ Expo- booth no.: L102
Year established: 1997
 | Employees 55

StemCyte founded in 1997 and established operations in the United States and Taiwan. In the past 20 years, StemCyte has built nearly 40,000 units of public cord blood bank to provide adequate and stable cellular materials. We have provided more than 2,500 cord blood units to 350 transplant centers around the world. StemCyte is focused on expanding the applications of cell therapy and developing cell therapy products and services. Our core business includes Cell Therapies, Cellular Materials Supply, Cell Products and Services.

- Cell Therapies: StemCyte's HPC-cord blood product, RegeneCyte®, has been accepted for the biologics license quality review with the US FDA. And our cell therapy pipeline includes two US FDA-approved Phase II clinical trials and one TFDA-approved Phase I clinical trial.

- Cellular Materials Supply: StemCyte is the only public cord blood cell bank in Taiwan that has acquired FACT and AABB quality certification. We have a cGMP manufacturing facility in the US and a GTP lab in Taiwan to provide cellular materials for allogeneic cell therapy.

- Cell Products and Services: StemCyte provides both public and private cell banking services, including umbilical cord blood, ucMSCs, PBMC, etc., and we also provide cell processing and manufacturing services.

Official Website|https://stemcytebio.com/en/
Regenerative Medicine