General Biologicals Corporation (GBC)
Healthcare+ Expo- booth no.: L130
Year established: 1984
 | Registered capital TWD 598.2437M
 | Employees 100

General Biologicals Corporation (GBC), founded in 1984, is a developer and manufacturer of diagnostics and pharmaceutical. We develop high quality in-vitro diagnostics for doctors to make clinical decisions in the area of hepatitis, tumor markers, retro virus, fertility, Thyroid, and Steroids. 
GBC also also manufactures antimicrobial peptide (AMP), P113, in areas of pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and oral products. 

CellBio captures live circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and CTC clusters from whole blood from an automated, high-throughput, high-capacity process that is suited to clinical practice within less than 90 minutes. 
With more than 30,000 samples done, the system offers more than 90% capture rate. Recently Fubon Insurance Company in Taiwan has selected patented CellBio solution for their insurance policy holders to screen for cancers.

Products and Services:
1) COVID-19: VTM, RNA Extraction, COVID-19 PCR, COVID-19 Ab ELISA, COVID-19 Ag Rapid Test (Home/Professional)
2) IMMUNOASSAY (ELISA) Products: Providing Hepatitis, Retrovirus, Infectious Disease, Tumor Markers, Thyroid: HAV, HBV, HCV, HDV, HIV, etc.
4) LIQUID BIOPSY: CellBio a2000 / FX10 and CellBioDx reagents - a technology that captures CTC/ cancer cells in blood
5) RAPID TESTS: COVID-19 Ag Rapid Test (Home/Professional), H.Pylori, HCV Ab Rapid Test
6) CDMO (Contract Development Manufacturing Organization): Providing development, optimization, scale up manufacturing solutions
7) IVD Raw Materials development and manufacturing

Diagnostics & Laboratory