Real Masters Co.,Ltd.
Year established: 2012

The core of True Medical Health is to promote the daily life of sports medicine, hoping that through the integrated training of sports science, everyone will be the real master of their own health. Through long-term exercise training instead of long-term care to meet the new concept of health, planning and providing professional health exercise consulting services for the silver-haired elderly group for whole-person services, hoping to improve the health and disability problems of Taiwan's aging society, in order to integrate with industrial AI intelligence and the development of long-distance sports rehabilitation services, providing an opportunity for Taiwan's elderly care industry to open up new opportunities. With the goal of healthy aging, develop community health empowerment centers for local care, improve the service network for the prevention of frailty, and link friendly elderly acute medical care models, so that elderly with different health levels can age healthily!
Introduction to Business Items
True Doctor health promotion and management solutions:
*Elderly technology empowering equipment
* Field planning
*Operation coaching
*Strategic cooperation
Digital Health